Prawn Pad Thai

This is one of my favorite dishes to order in a Thai restaurant, and before I went to Thailand I’d tried making it myself from a few different recipes in British cookbooks. It was nowhere near ‘authentic’, and you could tell. As well as eating bucketloads of the stuff in Thailand recently, I was shown … More Prawn Pad Thai

King Prawn Spaghetti with Garlic and Cherry Tomatoes

‘Spaghetti con Gambas’ and variations thereof is probably my favourite dish, and I reckon I could happily eat it every night of the week (perhaps making an exception for pizza on Fridays). Sometimes I thrown in a bit of chorizo, sometimes I use linguine or fresh tagliatelle, and often I replace the parsley in this … More King Prawn Spaghetti with Garlic and Cherry Tomatoes

All Things Prawny

Prawn or Shrimp? Whilst the names can, depending on who you ask, refer to different species, the labels ‘prawn’ and ‘shrimp’ are largely interchangeable when it comes to the little pink things we know and love on the seafood menu.

Dippy about Hummus

Hummus (or houmous, depending on which spelling you prefer) has long been one of my favourite dips- either for late night snacking with pitta bread, pre-dinner nibbles with crudités, or dolloped onto a salad at lunch. I can’t quite believe it’s taken me so long to start making my own and experimenting with some variations.